Ever thought that The International history could use a music video? We'll, here's π₯ We couldn't stop the dire π₯ - a Dota 2 song parody of Billy Joel's We Couldn't Start the Fire.
Splashy prizes, great new game, Dota 2, first Rampage
Right at gamescom, direct invites, Dendi wins it all
Now Seattle, Na'Vi shows up, two big groups, visa issues
James was hosting, IG finals, China's turn to win
Thirteen invites, wildcard,
Team Alliance are the stars,
Compendium funding
and the money memes it brings
Ten million, Newbee, Hao's got a big brain
Chinese final, Liquid Bulba, Na'Vi era goodbye
We couldn't stop the Dire
They are always winning
Now that I am playing
We couldn't stop the Dire
No we didn't ragequit
As we kept deranking
Redeye hosting, teams hyped up, now time for America
EG crush it, SumaiL rises, winning big bucks
Wings come, shocking run and metas are undone
Western teams fall, twenty million
Day9, Machine, Liquid's got a winning team
Newbie streams but Newbee fails, Western Dota rules again
OG, TI8, biggest upset all time
VP chokes, Secret breaks, new name on the Aegis
We couldn't stop the Dire
They are always winning
Now that I am playing
We couldn't stop the Dire
No we didn't ragequit
As we kept deranking
Scrim drama, bans it brings, now China rules everything
OG, Aegis, back-to-back, monsters
Testing, breaking matchmaking, terror and long queue time,
Smurfing rampant everywhere, Russians in my my lobby now
Events cancelled, virus climbs, all are playing, low queue times
Stupid drafts, TP nerfed, new patch, more concerns,
DPC is all but croaked, China's under martial law,
We're all stuck inside our homes, I can't take it anymore
We couldn't stop the Dire
They are always winning
Now that I am playing
We couldn't stop the Dire
No we didn't ragequit
As we kept deranking