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Almost NONE of the Systemic Issues Have Been Addressed ft. Zfreek & Nahaz

April 27, 2021

Almost NONE of the Systemic Issues Have Been Addressed ft. Zfreek & Nahaz

Take a breather, refresh, and join us on the Rivalry Cooldown, where we give you the current topics in esports from the experts.

On this episode, we take a look at TI, OG as repeat champions, and try to understand what exactly will happen with the DPC moving forward. We usually spend a lot of time talking about what players want, so we thought we would have Zak (Zfreek) come on and give us ACTUAL insights about what pros want!

Make sure to subscribe to The Rivalry Cooldown wherever you listen to podcasts so you never miss an episode! (Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, etc)


  • 1:20 - OG did not know how good they were going to be before TI started
  • 6:00 - The differences with having in TI vs Seattle/Vancouver
  • 7:40 - Loser interviews
  • 12:40 - Player run orgs & what does it take to be a well run org
  • 20:00 - Zak "If Kuro finds people to help him... and dota team plays dota, it could work'
  • 25:00 - How does Valve determine where tournaments are being held?
  • 29:00 - The Valve pendulum effect - points determining qualifier invites
  • 31:00 - Zak on his hate for strict solo queue matchmaking
  • 32:00 - Internal inhouse/client league system
  • 33:00 - Zak to Valve 'Hey, can I use this free ward bug?" "Uhh.. no." And then it was fixed
  • 38:30 - Rainbow 6 was originally designed as a hybrid of MMOs and FPS
  • 40:00 - How do you fix the matchmaking system?
  • 43:45 - Minor vs Major broadcast rights under the new DPC system
  • 44:50 - Upcoming tournament formats are ALL identical
  • 49:00 - Poor seeding / can we please have clear seeding rules!?!
  • 58:00 - Dota is NOT CSGO "People act like we know a lot more about Dota than we do"
  • 1:01:00 - We need to know where the Majors/Minors are, especially for subs, coaches, practicing for visa reasons
  • 1:07:00 - What happens with points and players moving around this year?
  • 1:11:00 - The income gap between TI and everything else is still too ridiculous
  • 1:16:30 - Zak - Is there a way, outside of Valve, that players could make this happen?
  • 1:20:30 - Anyone who has any power has it because Valve says they have it
  • 1:29:30 - Does China have pull with Valve?
  • 1:35:00 - What are we looking forward to? Dota debt, rosters, and matchmaking!

Read more: Would the DPC 2018/19 hold up as a TV show?

Follow our Guests on Twitter:

๐Ÿ‘‰ ZFreek - https://twitter.com/Col_Zfreek

๐Ÿ‘‰ Nahaz - https://twitter.com/NahazDota

๐Ÿ‘‰Reinessa - https://twitter.com/ReinessaGaming