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WePlay! Pushka League - playoffs teams and schedule

May 26, 2021

Two tiebreaker matches are on offer in WePlay! Pushka League before the quarterfinal matches begin on May 8. Will Team Nigma stay in the upper division? Find out with us!

WePlay! Pushka League - tiebreakers

Division 1

Team Nigma vs OG.Seed (May 7, 17:00 CEST)

Prediction: Team Nigma

Division 2

Team Unique vs NOVA (May 7, 18:00 CEST)

Prediction: NOVA

WePlay! Pushka League - quarterfinals

Prediction: HellRaisers

Prediction: Alliance

Prediction: Virtus.pro

Prediction: Team Secret

WePlay! Pushka League stream

You can check out the official broadcast below: