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Overwatch 2: Ranks and Ranking System Explained

May 03, 2024

Updated on: May 3, 2024

Like other multiplayer games, the competitive scene in Overwatch 2 is where players of all different skill levels get to test their mettle in order to reach the highest rank possible.

Since its release in 2022, Blizzard's hero shooter has seen multiple competitive updates and rank resets, making Overwatch 2 ranks and the ranking system can be quite difficult to get a grasp of, whether you're a new or returning player.

If you're confused about how the Overwatch 2 ranking system works, take a seat, as Rivalry has got you covered on all Overwatch 2 ranked information, including Legacy Competitive Points, placement matches, and more.

Overwatch 2 Ranked System: How Has It changed?

Reinhardt and Tracer in Overwatch 2.

To determine their initial rank, players must play games in any competitive mode until they receive a rank. This replaces the traditional placement matches from the first game, as players would treat them as a test they needed to ace, rather than a true reflection of their skill level.

The new system assesses the player's skill and more accurately places them in a rank that most reflects their abilities. From there, they can continue playing ranked games and winning to climb the ladder.

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Overwatch 2 now features two main ranked modes for players: Role Queue and Open Queue. Players must have won 50 games in Quick Play in Overwatch 2, or have previously owned Overwatch 1 to unlock and play in both competitive modes.

Role Queue means a 5v5 team composition with one Tank, two DPS and two Supports. Players get to select which hero roles they'd like to play when entering the queue, getting an individual rank for each role. For example, you could rank as Platinum 1 with your Damage heroes but fall flat in Silver 4 as a Tank. You can also queue as two specific roles, or flex your skills with All Roles where you'll enter a match as any of the three roles.

Open Queue is a flashback to the glory days of the original Overwatch, where players can choose any hero from any role and receive the same rank, no matter what category hero they play as. This rank does not reset with each new season.

Overwatch 2 Competitive Ranks

Overwatch 2 Ranking System

While the original Overwatch used MMR (Matchmaking Rating) and Skill Rating (SR), Overwatch 2 competitive play relies on the player's wins/losses/draws in their games. 

Players have to complete multiple matches, known as placement matches, to get their predicted starting rank. This is separate across the two competitive game modes (Open and Role Queue), with ten placement matches having to be completed across each role (DPS, Tank, Support) to get their new rank.

All the ranks and their five divisions are listed below in ascending order - the higher the number, the lower in the skill tier they are (5 being worse, 1 being better):


  • Bronze 5
  • Bronze 4
  • Bronze 3
  • Bronze 2
  • Bronze 1


  • Silver 5
  • Silver 4
  • Silver 3
  • Silver 2
  • Silver 1


  • Gold 5
  • Gold 4
  • Gold 3
  • Gold 2
  • Gold 1


  • Platinum 5
  • Platinum 4
  • Platinum 3
  • Platinum 2
  • Platinum 1


  • Diamond 5
  • Diamond 4
  • Diamond 3
  • Diamond 2
  • Diamond 1


  • Master 5
  • Master 4
  • Master 3
  • Master 2
  • Master 1


Players within Grandmasters can only queue as solo or duo, not in groups, with other players that are within three divisions of their rank. For example, a GM 2 player can group with other GM 4, 3,2, and 1 players.

  • Grandmaster 5
  • Grandmaster 4
  • Grandmaster 3
  • Grandmaster 2
  • Grandmaster 1


The Champion rank is the newest addition to the Overwatch 2 ranks. It's designed to hold the upper echelon of players who have succeeded far past the capabilities of Grandmaster. It's now the highest rank achievable in the game, and the most exclusive rank with only 1.5% of players making it this far.

  • Champion 5
  • Champion 4
  • Champion 3
  • Champion 2
  • Champion 1

Top 500

Top 500 is the shifting list of 500 of the highest-ranked players in your region. The Top 500 list is released two weeks into a new season and a rank icon will be available. It doesn't require a certain rank to qualify for, but most Top 500 players tend to be Master, Grandmaster, or Champion players.

Overwatch 2 Rank Modifiers

Overwatch 2 rank modifiers and rank progress bar

New to the Overwatch 2 ranks in Season 10 comes the all-new rank modifiers. After every competitive match, players will see their current rank progress bar as it adjusts a player's skill tier and division. This shows a percentage for how much progress you've gained or lost towards the next rank.

There are rank modifiers that adjust your rank progress based on a number of factors. This takes into consideration whether you're on a huge win streak, proving you belong in a higher rank, and other small factors.

  • Win Streak: A bonus for a high win rate
  • Loss Streak: A penalty for a high loss streak
  • Calibration: Your current rank is uncertain
  • Uphill Battle: The match wasn't in your favor but you won anyway
  • Reversal: You were favored but lost
  • Volatile: You lost calibration matches after ranking up a skill division
  • Consolation: Rank progress reduced slightly - you weren't favored and you lost
  • Expected: You were favored and you won
  • Demotion Protection: You're currently one loss away from a demotion

Overwatch 2 Competitive Points & Ranked Rewards

Overwatch 2 Ranked System Rewards

As of Overwatch 2 Season 9, the Competitive system has been slightly overhauled. Your current rank now lasts an entire year as opposed to one season, and this also goes for your Competitive Points. Any competitive points earned prior to Season 9 have been converted into Legacy Competitive Points. These can still be used to buy the golden weapons.

Any Competitive Points earned from Season 9 and beyond during 2024 can only be used to buy the Jade Weapon variants. At the end of the year, all CP will be converted into Legacy Competitive Points.

Competitive titles, like Diamond Support Challenger, are available if players finish the season with the final rank of Diamond or above. However, they must maintain this rank in subsequent seasons to keep the title equipped.

  • Win - 10 CP
  • Draw - 5 CP
  • Loss - 0 CP

Previously, finishing the ranked season in certain ranks would grant you a set amount of CP, but this has now been removed. Completing competitive matches now increases your "Competitive Progression" bar to grant you bonus CP. So all you have to do to earn CP is play Competitive and grind hard for those Competitive rewards!

Golden weapons are available for every hero in Overwatch 2 and cost 3,000 Legacy CP each. Meanwhile the Jade weapon variants cost 3,000 CP. Purchasing these illustrious guns will take a fairly-long grind and some hard work, but they are entirely worth it for the drip!

Final Thoughts

That was all the info we have on Overwatch 2 Ranks and the complexities of competitive play. Hopefully the competitive rework has helped you climb the competitive ladder to where you deserve to be, and the new competitive rewards let you flex on the enemy. GL HF in your future games!

Rivalry have got you covered with all the latest Overwatch news, including Overwatch 2 system requirements, the best Overwatch 2 crosshairs, all hero's birthdays and ages, the rarest skins and more on our blog page.

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FAQs about Overwatch 2 Ranking System

Overwatch 2 Ranking System FAQs

Is there ranked in Overwatch 2?

Yes, there are two ranked modes in Overwatch 2 - Open Queue and Role Queue. They are ranked separately, so you could be Silver 5 in Open Queue but Platinum 1 as a DPS in Role Queue. Competitive modes are not unlocked by default and require players to play and win 50 Quick Play games or to have owned the original Overwatch.

How is my Overwatch 2 rank determined?

In the previous game, players used to have to complete a certain amount of placement games to get their rank. In the new Overwatch, a player's rank is determined through their hidden MMR, game performance, and general win/loss ratio. If you continuously win matches, it goes without saying that your actual rank will reflect this, and you will climb through the skill tiers.

Did Overwatch 2 reset ranks?

While Overwatch 2 ranks remained in the same ballpark compared to where you ended up in the original Overwatch, Season 9 of Overwatch 2 will be resetting ranks and bringing back placements to Overwatch 2, so watch this space!

What is MMR in Overwatch 2?

MMR in Overwatch 2 has been described by Blizzard Entertainment as an internal metric/matchmaking rating that decides an individual's skill level relative to other players to create fairer and more balanced games. This used to work alongside players' Skill Rating (SR).

Can I play with friends in Overwatch 2 ranked games?

Yes! You can group up with any number of people for a full squad of five players if you are reasonably similar in skill level. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond players can play with people who are within two skill tiers. Overwatch 2 Master players can squad up with anyone within one skill tier. Grandmaster players can only group within three skill-tier divisions from them.

What rank is the average Overwatch 2 player?

The average rank for players depends on the console they use. The average rank for a PC player is around Platinum, while most console players are around mid-high Gold.

How many ranks are there in Overwatch 2?

There are eight ranks (not including Top 500), each with 5 separate sub-divisions. These include Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster, and Champion.

What is the point of gold guns in Overwatch 2?

Although Golden guns don't have any in-game benefits or bonuses, they look cool! They are exclusive weapons that add a golden sheen to your favorite hero's weapon. Plus, you get to flex how hard you've worked, as Overwatch 2 Golden guns cost a whopping 3,000 Competitive Points each! As of 2024, there are now also Jade weapon variants to unlock.

Overwatch 2 ranks