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Overwatch 2 New Hero Juno | Abilities and Release Date

July 30, 2024

The world of Overwatch 2 continues to reach for the stars with the highly-anticipated and teased hero Juno, the new character to join the ever-expanding hero roster.

Revealed at last year's BlizzCon, Juno, previously codenamed Space Ranger, is a highly mobile Support hero rocketing into action alongside Lucio, Moira, and Mercy as the eleventh Support hero. With her futuristic space boots and ray gun, Juno is an out-of-this-world new hero who shoots for the moon by damaging enemies and healing allies with the same weapon. Her abilities also provide a big bang of utilities and buffs for her allies, making her a stellar addition to any team.

Here's everything you need to know about the next hero coming to Overwatch 2, including Juno's release date and abilities.

Overwatch 2 Juno Release Date

Overwatch 2 Juno release date

Juno, codename Space Ranger, will officially crash-land on Overwatch 2 servers with the launch of Season 12, releasing on August 20, 2024. Unlike previous new characters, Juno will be free immediately upon release for all players, whether they purchase the Battle Pass or not.

As with all new heroes like Mauga and Venture, Juno was also temporarily released in a limited-time hero trial weekend in Season 11, from July 19 until July 21 for Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

She was available across all game modes except Competitive and No Limits mode in the Overwatch Arcade. This limited-time trial gave the Blizzard developer team time to collect feedback on Juno's abilities and give her final tweaks before her official debut in Season 12.

Overwatch 2 Juno Abilities Rundown

Overwtahc 2 Juno Abilities

Role: Support Hero (Passive)

This passive is available for all Support heroes, including Juno, as they begin regenerating their health more quickly, starting 2.5 seconds after taking any damage.

Martian Overboots (Passive)

Juno's second passive, Martian Overboots, lets her double jump vertically while airborne. Juno players can also hold "Jump" to hover and fall slowly while this button is held. This works similarly to Mercy's Angelic Descent ability.


Primary Fire

Mediblaster is a dual hitscan weapon, damaging enemies and healing allies depending on who she hits. It deals 7 - 2.1 damage per round and heals for the same amount.

When looking at an ally, the Mediblaster will display a smiley emoticon. Contrastingly, the Mediblaster will show an angry emoticon when aiming at an enemy. This indicates that Juno can either heal or deal damage when shooting that specific player.

Pulsar Torpedoes

Pulsar Torpedoes work as Juno's secondary fire ability, which is used to lock onto a target, either an enemy or an ally. Once locked on, primary fire is pressed to fire honing projectiles that damage heroes or heal allies.

Pulsar Torpedoes is a channeled ability, meaning Juno can be interrupted if she is stunned, knocked down, or hacked.

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Glide Boost

With Glide Boost, Juno can glide horizontally with increased movement speed. She becomes unaffected by gravity while this ability is active. Glide Boost can be canceled early by pressing the ability button again.

Hyper Ring

Hyper Ring deploys an AoE ring that increases the movement speed of any allies nearby without them having to walk through it. The buff's duration is refreshed when an allied hero walks back through the area. It can stack with any other movement speed buffs.

Orbital Ray (Ultimate Ability)

Juno can call down a traveling ray that moves forward, healing allies and increasing their damage. This essentially functions like a moving Baptiste's Amplification Matrix, buffing allies and allowing them to push forward to take an objective. Orbital Ray will travel over 16 meters across its duration.

Luckily, Juno's Orbital Ray is almost impossible to be canceled by any enemies. Canceling it and wasting Juno's Ultimate Charge is only possible while she is casting the ability.

new support hero

Final Thoughts

Like all new additions to Overwatch 2, it may be a couple of weeks before Juno is available in ranked game modes, giving players time to get to grips with her and learn her abilities. Her increased movement speed and dual healing-damage capabilities may mean she rivals Lucio and Illari in the meta.

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