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How many hours CS:GO pros have in the game?

June 14, 2021

CSGO pros need to spend a lot of time with the game to hone their skills and stay sharp in the servers. But how many hours do they exactly have in the game? We've asked our panel of pros and experts and their answers surprised us over and over again. Turns out you need to play a lot of CS:GO as a pro - who would have thought?

How many hours CS:GO pros have in the game?

Practice, practice and then practice some more - that is the name of the game on the top of the CS:GO world, and that became even clearer after our discussion with pro players and personalities about the amount of time they've spent on the servers. Some of them reported truly eye-popping hours in CS:GO as pros and even mentioned some of their fellow players as outstandingly committed comrades with the occasional five-digit (yes, that means OVER NINE THOUSAND) hours played as well on their road to greatness. No wonder they are on top of the pile.

The experts also offered their thoughts on the best European CS:GO player, the best support player in the game and discussed the identity of the best AWPer as well – all of them are worth checking out!

Want more hot takes?

We hope you enjoyed this video! Check out other great content on Rivalry's CS:GO channel, where you can watch great interviews by Richard Lewis and some of the biggest CS:GO personalities playing games like Overrated or Underrated!

You can find out more about CS:GO players and casters by clicking the links below: