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What Are The Best Lux Runes? | Lux Build, ARAM Build, Skins

October 12, 2023

Lux, the Lady of Luminosity, is the poster child of League of Legends. Love her or hate her, she's a signature staple in most games due to her dual damage capabilities. She can rampage down Mid Lane, bursting enemies with her powerful abilities, quickly snowballing into a high threat. She also excels in Support, assisting her ADC with poking down champions from afar and securing kills.

If you fancy playing Lux yourself in your next League of Legends games, check out our Lux build guide for both Mid and Support, including her runes and her ARAM build if you roll her.

Lux Mid Lane Build

Lux build - Mid Lane.

The win rate for Lux players in Mid with this build is 52%, so you know it means business! First and foremost, Lux is a Mid-lane champion, capable of dishing out hefty CC to punish any player too close to her tower.

Starting off, choose Inspiration as your primary rune, going for First Strike, Perfect Timing, Biscuit Delivery, and Cosmic Insight to complete. First Strike provides extra gold when damaging enemies, working well with Lux's early-game trade-offs.

For secondary runes, go down the path of Domination. Cheap Shot and Ultimate Hunter should be your go-to. Ultimate Hunter is self-explanatory, allowing Lux to get more value from her already-low cooldown Ultimate, Final Spark. To finish, Adaptive Force x2 and Health Scaling should be your three chosen stat shards.

Mid Lux Items

  • Mythic Items: Luden's Tempest, no exceptions.
  • Sorcerer's Shoes
  • Shadowflame
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Horizon Focus
  • Void Staff

Across all ranks, Lux has many counters. These include Naafiri, Xerath, Aurelion Sol, Diana, Irelia, and Veigar, to name a few main threats. Suppose you're in champion selection, and the enemy chooses these heroes. In that case, we recommend avoiding Lux altogether and playing a different champion.

Lux Support Build

Lux build - Support.

The recommended runes for Support Lux differ from Mid Lane Lux. Sorcery needs to be her primary rune. As a Support Lux player, you should always choose Arcane Comet, followed by Manaflow Band, Transcendence, and finishing off with Scorch. This allows Lux to maximize her damage potential without burning through too much mana.

The secondary rune you should take is Inspiration. Choose Biscuit Delivery for mana sustain or Perfect Timing for a free Stopwatch. Pick Cosmic Insight for the Summoner Spell haste, then Adaptive Force and Health Scaling stat shards for the bonus Adaptive Force and extra health.

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As a Support Lux player, you should pick Flash and either Barrier or Ignite as your two Summoner Spells. The skill order priority should always be Lucent Singularity (E) > Light Binding (Q) > Prismatic Barrier (W), and upgrade your Final Spark whenever possible.

Support Lux Items

  • Mythic Items: Luden's Tempest, no exceptions.
  • Sorcerer's Shoes
  • Shadowflame
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Horizon Focus
  • Morellonomicon

Lux ARAM Build

Lux ARAM build

Since ARAM is literally "All Random, All Mid," you never know when you will land on Lux as your chosen champion. If you roll Lux, you're in luck! She's currently an S-Tier LoL champion for ARAM due to her sheer damage potential.

For a Lux ARAM build, her Lux runes differ from the norm, going all out on damage. Most Lux players on ARAM go straight for the jugular with Dark Harvest, followed by Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter. An option instead of Cheap Shot can be Taste of Blood for extra healing.

Most players use Sorcery as the secondary rune, with Manaflow Band and Transcendence. If you fancy a slight change, you can opt for Precision with Presence of Mind and Coup de Grace as the secondary runes.

Lux ARAM Items

  • Lost Chapter and 2 Health Potions (starter items)
  • Buld into Luden's Tempest
  • Sorcerer's Shoes
  • Rabadon's Deathcap
  • Shadowflame
  • Horizon Focus
  • Either Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Morellonomicon, or Zhonya's Hourglass.

Lux Skins

Lux Skins

As the shining star of LoL, Lux boasts around 20 skins currently in her wardrobe, some considered the best in the game. Most are still available in the shop for Riot Points (RP). In contrast, others like Imperial and Lunar Empress Lux are "Legacy" skins, now only available through Hextech Chests.

  • Commando: 520 RP
  • Sorceress: 520 RP
  • Spellthief: 750 RP
  • Steel Legion: 975 RP
  • Star Guardian: 1,350 RP
  • Pajama Guardian: 1,350 RP
  • Battle Academia: 1,350 RP
  • Space Groove: 1,350 RP
  • Porcelain: 1,350 RP
  • Soul Fighter: 1,350 RP
  • Empyrean: 1,350 RP
  • Cosmic: 1,820 RP
  • Dark Cosmic: 1,820 RP
  • Elementalist: 3,250
  • Imperial (Legacy): Normally 975 RP
  • Lunar Empress (Legacy): Normally 1,350 RP
  • Prestige Porcelain Lux
  • Prestige Battle Academia Lux

Final Thoughts

Lux build guide

That was our guide to the best builds for Lux in both Mid Lane and as a Support! In the right hands, she is easily one of the strongest champions in the game, capable of wiping out a whole team when her abilities are chained together correctly.

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