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Aui_2000 "Time is the most important resource players have"

September 04, 2018

Reinessa sat down with Aui_2000 at TI8. They discuss coaching, what can Dota learn from League, importance of time, support staff and more. Enjoy!

  • 0:15 - Prepping for the main stage
  • 1:03 - What is the coaching dynamic for you on Fnatic?
  • 2:00 - "You don't have enough time to do everything"
  • 2:20 - The manager is the usually "feelings" coach
  • 3:00 - Who do you work the closest with?
  • 3:45 - Fnatic is SEA... but they're all NA
  • 4:06 - It's an NA team... NA coach
  • 4:10 - Where do you get new ideas from?
  • 4:52 - What do teams need for support staff?
  • 5:38 - Having a bad coach is worse than having no coach at all