Kedah FA
Kuala Lumpur FA
09:15 GMT+0
Regulation Time - Total Goals Over/Under
1st Half - Total Goals Over/Under
Perak II
Kelantan United FC
09:00 GMT+0
Regulation Time - Total Goals Over/Under
1st Half - Total Goals Over/Under
Selangor II
Kuching City
09:30 GMT+0
Regulation Time - Total Goals Over/Under
1st Half - Total Goals Over/Under
Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters
Orix Buffaloes
09:00 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)
Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks
Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles
09:00 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)
Yomiuri Giants
Chunichi Dragons
09:00 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)
Tokyo Yakult Swallows
Yokohama Bay Stars
09:00 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)
Hiroshima Toyo Carp
Hanshin Tigers
09:00 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)
Saitama Seibu Lions
Chiba Lotte Marines
09:00 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)
Doosan Bears
SSG Landers
09:30 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)
Kiwoom Heroes
NC Dinos
09:30 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)
Samsung Lions
KT Wiz
09:30 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)
Lotte Giants
Kia Tigers
09:30 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)
Hanwha Eagles
LG Twins
09:30 GMT+0
Winner (incl. Overtime)

You've reached the end of the list! 👏