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What does ADR stand for? – CS:GO Glossary

July 26, 2021

A frequent question we see asked is what does ADR stand for on stats leaderboards, so we'll try answer that here. ADR stands for “average damage per round”, a metric you get by dividing a player’s overall damage output with the number of rounds played. It can be a more informative statistic than a mere kill/death counter in the game modes were you play in a team as your impact won’t always be directly represented by your frag count.

The mystery of ADR

If you manage to tag up three players before going down, leaving the rest of your team to finish what you’ve started, you may have an 0/1 K/D but over 100 ADR regardless of whether those opponents were actually killed later on during the round. ADR is a great metric to measure your impact on the proceedings in the long run: while it is important to take down those dinked enemies, dinking them in the first place was arguably even more valuable.

In CS:GO, overkills like AWP damage is not calculated as part of ADR as it is capped at 100 per opponent., meaning it’s impossible for the server-wide average to go above that number. As such, you are already a fairly useful teammate if you can regularly post between 80 and 90 ADR and anything that gets into three-figure territory should provide a great edge for your side.

Hopefully this brief description explains the question of "what does ADR stand for?" and you're now able to understand the value of the metric during and after your fav CS:GO games!

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