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Pokemon GO Community Day Details (October 2024)

September 18, 2024

Pokémon GO is a revolutionary mobile game that transformed the mobile gaming industry. Its unique gameplay encourages its player base to go outside and touch grass to progress further in the game.

Aside from catching Pokémon, doing raids, and completing quests, Niantic also offers monthly rolling Community Days, in which one Pokémon out of thousands becomes the focal point for three hours, offering more XP, Candy, Stardust. and other unique benefits.

If you're a noob when it comes to Community Days, we will teach you everything you need to know about the upcoming October Community Day for Sewaddle.

Pokemon Go Community Day

What is a Pokemon GO Community Day?

The Pokémon GO Community Day is a specified day of the month, typically a Saturday, where a particular Pokémon is featured, with its spawn appearance rate boosted considerably. Despite being called "Community Day," the featured Pokémon will have a more frequent wild spawn rate for just three hours.

The Pokémon chosen for a Community Day are usually rare or strange, like Unown, making this day an excellent opportunity to catch them in the wild. These Pokémon will also have an increased chance of appearing as Shiny, which are rarer, differently colored variants.

October Pokemon Go Community Day

What are the benefits of a Pokemon GO Community Day?

All the featured Pokémon captured during Community Day event hours can learn an exclusive attack when they evolve, either during the actual event hours or up to five hours afterward. This new special attack will be added to the Elite TMs in your inventory.

You can also enjoy specific benefits during a Pokémon GO Community Day, but these change every event. Here are some examples of most bonuses that will appear in a Community Day event:

  • 3x Catch Stardust for leveling and evolving Pokémon.
  • 2x Catch Candy and 2x Chance to earn Candy XL from catching Pokémon
  • 3-Hour Incense and Lure Module Durations (excluding the daily Adventure Incense)
  • XP boost during the event
  • The distance to hatch Eggs is reduced
  • Increased chance of the highlighted Pokémon being a Shiny Pokémon during the Community Day hours.

Community Days are designed to encourage more social play, with many players meeting in popular areas to play as groups and take on raid battles together. It fosters a sense of community as Trainers work together towards similar goals.

The September Community Day was for Ponyta.

How to Take Advantage of Community Days

According to Niantic's official website, ensure you have a stable and secure Internet connection during a Pokémon GO Community Day so that all catches, XP, and Stardust register correctly. Additionally, ensure your device is automatically configured with your local time zone. Have your phone's GPS and location accuracy enhancement enabled.

You should put on your walking shoes and get outside! Ensure all available Incubators are ready with Eggs. Community Days typically offer reduced hatch distances, meaning your Eggs will hatch quicker. Do not put your Eggs in an Incubator before a Community Day, as the hatch distance will remain the same.

Find an area with plenty of clustered Pokestops nearby to set up Lures and Incense to take advantage of the bonuses available and get the most out of the increased spawn rates.

Before the Community Day begins, it may be worth stockpiling Pinap Berries and Extra or Ultra Balls. Pinaps will further increase your Candy gains, while Balls are just a necessity as you will burn through Balls throughout the event.

As always, pay attention to your surroundings when playing Pokémon GO. Always look up when crossing the street without your head buried in your phone. Please do not enter private properties or land to capture Pokémon; it's not worth it. You're betting off sticking to populated areas and local parks.

Pokemon GO: October Community Day (Sewaddle)

Pokemon GO October Community Day: Sewaddle

The star of the next Pokémon GO Community Day are will be Sewaddle, the Sewing Pokémon. This Pokémon will appear more frequently on October 5, 2024. The odds of catching a shiny version are increased in the October Community Day.

The exclusive move chosen for this Pokémon and Community Day is Shadow Claw Fast Attack move. To earn this move, evolve a Sewaddle into a Swadloon during the event or up to five hours afterward. The evolution, Swadloon, will then learn Shadow Claw, which has 9 Power in Trainer Battles or 6 Power in Gyms and Raids.

Here's a breakdown of the October Community Day for Pokémon GO and the upcoming active bonuses. They differ slightly from the September Community Day, which was themed around Ponyta.

  • Featured Pokémon: Sewaddle.
  • Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024.
  • Event Hours: 2PM to 5PM (local time).
  • Bonus 1: Double catch Candy.
  • Bonus 2: 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance when Eggs are placed in an Incubator DURING the event.
  • Bonus 3: 2x Candy XL chance for players Level 31 and above.
  • Bonus 4: Lure Modules activated will last three hours.
  • Bonus 5: Incense (not including Daily Adventure Incense) activated will last three hours.
  • Bonus 6: Between 2PM and 10PM (local time), players can make an additional Special Trade for a maximum of three for the day.
  • Bonus 7: Between 2PM and 10 PM (local time), Trades require 50% less Stardust.
  • Bonus 8: Players can earn event-themed Stickers by spinning Pokéstops, opening Gifts, or purchasing them from the in-game Shop.

When the Community Day, Saturday October 5, ends at 5PM, a four-star raid battle will be activated at every gym. After claiming victory in any four-star Raids, more Sewaddle will spawn for 30 minutes around the gym where the bonus raid battles were won.

The Pokémon spawning in these raids will be Swadloon, which means beating this Pokémon should be a breeze.

You can only compete in these raids with Raid Passes and Premium Battle Passes. Unfortunately, the Remote Raid Passes that were released after the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be used for these special four-star Raid Battles.

Community Day Pokemon GO

Pokémon GO Web Store Promotions

An Ultra Community Day Box will be available in the Pokémon GO web store deal before the event begins. Any trainers with Pokémon Trainer Club (PTC) accounts will now be able to log in to the Pokémon GO Web Store with the same credentials used to log in to Pokémon GO.

The contents are aimed to get you prepared and ready for hours of catching Pokémon.

  • 10 Ultra Balls
  • Charged Attack Elite TM
  • Ticket for the Special Research Story

This Ultra Community Day Box will cost $4.99 or the equivalent pricing tier in your local currency. Make sure you purchase it before the event so you're ready for the October Community Day! Trainers can also get a 15% discount on their first web store purchase.

There are also two Community Day Bundles available for purchase at the following prices:

  • 480 Pokecoins: 30 Ultra Balls, 1 Incense, 3 Super Incubators, and 1 Lure Module.
  • 1,350 Pokecoins: 50 Ultra Balls, 5 Super Incubators, Charged Attack Elite TM, and 5 Lucky Eggs.

Before every Pokemon GO Community Day, you can also buy one Special Research Ticket, giving you access to a short questline event for the Community Day. They usually cost $1 or equivalent in your local currency and are non-refundable. This Special Research Ticket can also be gifted to any friends with whom you have a Great Friendship level or higher - sharing is caring!

Once purchased, you'll have access to the Community Day Special Research Story for Sewaddle.

next community day Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO Community Day FAQs

Is the Pokémon GO Community Day event worth playing?

Yes, as the Community Day offers multiple bonuses. In addition to increased occurrences of Shiny versions of the featured Pokémon, you can also get bonus XP, triple Stardust, extra Catch Candy, and more.

When is the next Pokemon Go Community Day?

The Sewaddle Community Day will be on October 5, 2024 as the next community day on the calendar. The September Community Day was Ponyta and its Galarian variant.

What are the hours for Pokémon GO Community Days?

Pokémon GO Community Day hours run from 2PM to 5PM local time, lasting for three hours.

Where are Pokemon GO Community Days Announced?

Community Days are announced via the official Pokémon GO website. Alongside the local date and times for the event, all information about the featured Pokémon is revealed, including the featured attack and all bonuses, like increased Stardust, XP, raids, and more. You can also return to this article for the latest updates on the upcoming Pokémon Go Community Days.

What bonuses does Community Day offer?

Trainers can catch multiple of the featured Pokémon, including increased spawn rates for the Shiny version. Catch Stardust, XP, and Candy rates are doubled or tripled, with increased durations for Lures and Incense. If you want to level up fast, trainers should take advantage of monthly Community Days.

Sewaddle Community Day Pokemon GO

Do I need anything to be able to play Community Day?

All trainers need a stable and secure Internet connection to play Pokémon Go. Players should stock up on Lures and Incense to prepare for a Community Day and make the most of the increased spawns. Players can also buy the Special Research Ticket from the in-game shop for more XP and other goodies.

What have been the previous featured Pokémon in 2024?

There have been several highlighted Pokémon in Community Days when the events were first introduced in 2018. The ones featured in 2024 are as follows, including the Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta Community Day:

  • January 6: Rowlet
  • January 20: Porygon
  • February 4: Chansey
  • March 16: Litten
  • April 7: Bagon
  • April 20: Bellsprout
  • May 19: Bounsweet
  • June 9: Goomy
  • June 22: Cyndaquil
  • July 21: Tynamo
  • August 18: Beldum
  • August 31: Poppoli
  • September 14: Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta
  • October 5: Sewaddle
Pokemon GO Community Days

That was everything you need to know about the October Community Day in Pokémon Go! Make sure to log in on October 5 at your respective time (2:00 PM to 5:00 PM) to start catching Sewaddle and take advantage of all the available bonuses. Make sure you evolve it into Swadloon during the event to earn the exclusive moves!

If you want more Pokémon content, we recommend visiting our blog page. We have articles on all the hottest esports and Pokémon, including Fairy Pokémon weaknesses, all Cat Pokémon in the franchise, starter Pokémon by each generation, a trainer's guide to Bug Pokémon, and loads more.