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LoL Patch Notes 14.6 | All Champion Buffs, Nerfs, & Reworks

March 14, 2024

League of Legends Patch 14.6 | Item Changes & New Skins

It's that time of month again, with another League of Legends patch on the horizon. This time around, the patch notes for LoL 14.6 show changes to the dynamics in Bot Lane, with many early-game items getting significant AD decreases.

League patch 14.6 is cooking up a host of champion changes, fourteen in total. In particular, patch 14.6 will see the dominant reign of Senna, Karma, and Smolder come to an end. In this balancing act, Riot Games will also buff several neglected champions in Top Lane, like Ornn, Shen, and Tryndamere.

Keep reading for all the early patch notes for League of Legends patch 14.6, including the new skins, item changes, champion buffs, nerfs, and reworks. Keep in mind that the following patch notes are subject to change between now and March 30. 


As per Riot Games' official patch schedule for 2024, League of Legends patch 14.6 will go live on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. 

Like previous patches, LoL patch 14.6 will gradually roll out throughout the day across different timezones, beginning with the Oceanic server around 10 AM AEST.

Here are all the critical LoL patch rollout times for the remaining servers.

  • 5 AM GMT (EU West)
  • 3 AM CET (EU North East)
  • 8 AM KST (Korea)
  • 3 PM CT (NA)

As always, Riot Games plans to temporarily disable all matchmaking queues across all game modes for approximately three hours as the update is rolled out on servers. It's crucial to refrain from entering any ranked games during this time to avoid potential disconnections and the risk of losing hard-earned LP.


LoL patch notes

Smolder has been a smoking topic of discussion ever since his release onto Summoner's Rift. Riot Games' balancing act seems never-ending, as they agree that Smolder is a frustrating territory for many players to face. To tackle this, they will be cutting down his base stats to reduce his dominance and bring him back down to his previous power level.

Another key element of League of Legends patch 14.6 is Riot Games is attempting to get the "early-game and early lane snowballing items" under control. This includes tweaking and tuning to several items like Serrated Dirk and Hextech Alternator, for example.

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Want a new look for your favorite champions? One of League of Legends' most iconic skin lines is making a triumphant return in LoL patch 14.6: High Noon. Four champions, Gragas, Evelynn, Rell, and Yone, are all getting the Western cowboy treatment in this next patch. Here are their rarities and pricing.

  • High Noon Evelynn (Epic): 1, 350 RP
  • High Noon Gragas (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • High Noon Rell (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • High Noon Yone (Epic): 1,350 RP
  • Peacemaker High Noon Yone: Mythic Essence
  • Prestige High Noon Evelynn: Event Tokens


League of Legends patch notes 14.6ees Diana getting some buffs for Jungle.

Please remember that the champion buffs outlined below are provisional adjustments and may undergo changes or be removed entirely until Riot Games formally implements them on live servers on March 20, 2024.

As always, these early patch changes are available on Riot Games' Public Beta Environment (PBE), which can be accessed through the League of Legends launcher. If anything changes, we'll update the sections below with bonus information.


(W) Feral Scream

  • Cooldown decreased from 13 - 9 seconds to 11 - 9 seconds

(E) Vorpal Spikes

  • Spike damage increased from 22 - 70 to 22 - 82


  • Attack speed ratio increased from 0.625 to 0.694
  • Attack speed growth changed from 2.25% to 2%, level 1 unchanged

(Passive) Moonsilver Blade

  • Attack speed changed from 15 - 40% every third level to 15 - 25% linearly
  • Active attack speed increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds


(E) Searing Charge

  • Cooldown decreased from 16 - 12 seconds to 14 - 12 seconds


(Passive) Ki Barrier

  • Cooldown refund changed to 4 - 7.5, linear level scaling, buffs levels 2 - 17, especially 8 - 16


(Q) Decimating Smash

  • Minimum damage changed from 20 - 120 (+45 - 75% AD) to 40 - 120 (+40 - 80% AD)
  • Maximum damage changed from 90 - 350 (+135 - 225% AD) to 90 - 350 (+120 - 140% AD)

(W) Soul Furnace

  • Shield changed from 60 - 260 (+8 - 12% max HP) to 60 - 120 (+8 - 16% AD)


  • Attack speed growth increased from 2.9% to 3.4%


Briar is getting a round of nerfs in League patch 14.6

Just like the champion buffs, all the champion nerfs listed below in the early patch notes for 14.6 are not set in stone. These can change at any time between now and March 20.


(Q) Head Rush

  • Can now jump to wards

(W) Blood Frenzy/Snack Attack

  • Self-heal decreased from 25 - 45% of damage to 24 - 40% of damage
  • Attack speed reduced from 55 - 115% to 54 - 110%


  • Base health reduced from 670 to 640

(Q) Barrel Roll

  • Mana cost changed from 80 - 60 to 80 flat across all levels and ranks


  • Mana growth decreased from 50 to 40
  • Mana regeneration growth changed from 0.5 to 0.8

(Passive) Gathering Fire

  • Passive Ultimate cooldown refund decreased from 5 seconds to 4 seconds

(Q) Inner Flame

  • Mana cost changed from 45 flat to 40 - 80

(E) Inspire

  • R+E bonus base shield changed from 25 - 175 (+45% AP) to 50 - 170 (+45% AP)

(R) Mantra

  • Cooldown increased from 40 - 31 seconds to 40 - 34 seconds


(Passive) Absolution

Mist Wraith pawn rate upon minion kill decreased from 8.333% to 2.8%

Riot Games are strugglign to find that sweet spot with Smolder, and are nerfing him again in LoL patch 14.6


(Q) Super Scorcher Breath

  • Stack true damage threshold increased from 225 stacks to 275.
  • Base excute threshold reduced from 1.25% max HP to 1% max HP.

(W) Achooo!

  • Missile width decreased from 125 to 115

(E) Flap, Flap, Flap

  • Bonus movement speed decreased from 100% to 75%


(Q) Thundering Smash

  • Movement speed reduced from 12 - 32% to 12 - 28%

(R) Stormbringer

  • Cooldown increased from 130 - 100 seconds to 140 - 100 seconds


Galio is getting a mini rework in League of Legends patch notes for 14.6

Galio is getting major adjustments and a mini rework in League patch 14.6, as the Colossus gets a massive identity shift. Riot is seemingly attempting to pivot Galio away from AP-heavy builds into more tankier, bruiser-type plays.

More changes to Kayn are attempting to balance his Assassin and Darkin forms as Riot Games look for that sweet spot between the two.


  • Health growth decreased from 126 to 114
  • Movement speed increased from 335 to 340

(Passive) Colossal Smash

  • Cooldown reduced by 3 seconds when hitting champions or monsters with abilities. Happens once per cast
  • Cooldown no longer affected by ability haste
  • Base damage decreased from 15 - 200 to 15 - 115
  • AP ratio decreased from 50% to 40%

(Q) Winds of War

  • Cooldown decreased from 12 - 8 seconds to 12 - 7 seconds
  • AP ratio decreased from 75% to 70%

(W) Shield of Durand

  • Damage reduction reduced from 35 - 45% to 20 - 40%
  • Damage reduction AP ratio reduced from 5% (+100% AP) to 4% flat
  • Base damage scales with 1% (+100 bonus HP)
  • Base damage reduced from 20 - 80 to 20 - 60

(E) Justice Punch

  • Base damage reduced from 90 - 250 to 75 - 235
  • Non-champion damage increased from 50% to 80%


(Q) Reaping Slash

  • Rhaast Q damage increased from 65% total AD (+5% of target's maximum health, +3.5% bonus AD) to 65% total AD (+6% of target's maximum health, +3.5% bonus AD)

(R) Umbral Trespass

  • Base/Assassin damage changed from 150 - 350 (+175% base AD) to 150 - 350 base AD (+150 base AD)
  • Non-champion damage increased from 50% to 80%
In the League patch notes 14.6, Kayn is also getting some small adjustments to Rhaast.


Infinity Edge

  • Critical damage increased from 40% to 50%

Lord Dominik's Regards

  • Armor penetration increased from 30% to 35%

Mortal Reminder

  • Armor penetration increased from 30% to 35%

Navori Quickblades

  • AD increased from 60 to 65
  • Recipe has seen Pickaxe replaced by BF Sword. Total price is unchanged

Solstice Sleigh

  • Buff duration decreased from 3 seconds to 2 seconds
  • Movement speed reduced from 25 seconds to 20 seconds

Hextech Alternator

  • AP reduced from 50 to 45

Serrated Dirk

  • Lethality reverted back from 7 to 10
  • AD reduced from 25 to 20

Caulfield's Warhammer

  • AD reduced from 25 to 20

Fieldish Codex

  • AP reduced from 35 to 25

Hearthbound Axe

  • Total cost reduced from 1,200 to 1,150
  • AD reduced from 20 to 15

Support Item Gold Income

  • Active gold reduced by 25%
  • Quest targets decreased from 500/1000 to 400/800


League of Legends patch 14.6 and the High Noon skins.

That was everything we know about the upcoming League of Legends patch 14.6, scheduled to launch on March 20, 2024. As it's still in the early stages, we'll continuously update this article with any other champion changes as soon as they emerge from the PBE (Public Beta Environment).

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