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A Guide To Fairy-Type Pokemon: Strengths and Weaknesses

March 08, 2023

The Fairy-type is one of the eighteen different types in the Pokémon franchise. They were introduced in Generation VI in Pokémon X and Y, as the newest Pokemon type. 22 Pokemon that were originally Normal types became Fairy-types following Gen VI, including Generation I Pokemon like Jigglypuff, Clefairy, and Togepi.

Like all other Pokemon, they would be OP if they had no weaknesses. Knowing Fairy-type Pokemon weaknesses can make beating them in a battle breeze. Discover Fairy-type weaknesses, strengths, counters, and a list of all the Fairy-type Pokemon here with Rivalry.

What is a Fairy-type Pokémon?

Fairy-type Pokemon are not as common as other types, like Water, Bug, and Grass, but they are a necessary addition to make a Pokemon party well-rounded and able to take down any threat.

Fairy-type Pokemon tend to be considered cute but deadly. As Fairy-types, they all have a distinct magical appeal to complement their magical abilities. Many of the most iconic Fairy-type Pokemon are pink in color and feminine in nature.

The most iconic Fairy Pokemon are those seen in Generation I, like Jigglypuff and Clefairy, the latter of which has mysterious origins and a celestial nature as seen in the anime.

Fairy-type Weakness

Fairy-type Pokemon are weakest against Poison type Pokemon and Steel-type Pokemon. Fairy types are also weak against Fire-type Pokémon. 

These Fairy-type Pokemon weaknesses are universal across all games, including the newest games like Pokémon Go, Pokémon Sword and Shield, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and Pokémon Legends: Arceus. 

Fairy-type Strengths

Fairy type Pokemon

These cute Fairy-type Pokemon are powerful against Dark-type Pokemon. Pure Fairy-type Pokemon are also entirely strong against Dragon-type Pokémon and are resistant to Dragon-type attacks.

Fairy-type Counters

The best Pokemon to counter Fairy-type Pokemon include Steel and Poison types. Most Fairy-type Pokémon are weak to powerful Steel-type Pokémon like Melmetal and Metagross.

Alongside their sturdy metal attacks, Steel-type Pokemon don't have any weaknesses or vulnerabilities that Fairy-type Pokemon can exploit, meaning they are the most solid choice to pair against Fairy-type moves.

Poison types like Salazzle and Toxicroak are great choices to pit against Fairy-types, so ensure you have some robust Poison Pokemon in your arsenal.

Fairy-Type Moves

Here are some of the most iconic Fairy-type moves in the franchises and a brief description of each move set. 

  • Baby-Doll Eyes - The user stares at the target with their cute baby-doll eyes, lowering the target's attack stats. 
  • Charm - The user gazes at their foe charmingly, disarming them. This lowers the target's attack stat. 
  • Crafty Shield - The user protects itself and their allies from enemy status moves but does not negate damage. 
  • Dazzling Gleam - The Fairy-type user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash. 
  • Decorate - The user sharply boosts their targets Sp Attack by decorating them.
  • Draining Kiss - The user steals and absorbs energy from their Target with a kiss, healing the user's HP by over half the damage taken. 
  • Fleur Cannon - The user unleashes a strong flower beam. The recoil harshly lowers the user's Sp. Attack. 
  • Flower Shield - The user raises the defense stat of all Grass-type Pokémon in the user's party on the battlefield. 
  • Moonblast - Harnessing the power of the lunar essence of the moon, the user attacks the target with a powerful blast with a chance to lower their SP attack stats. 
  • Moonlight - Moonlight restores the user's HP. The amount of HP regained varies depending on the time and weather. As the name suggests, it restores twice as much HP at night. 
  • Nature's Madness - The user hits the target with the full wrath of nature, reducing the target's HP greatly. 
  • Play Rough - This ability inflicts damage and has a 10% chance of lowering the target's attack stat by one stage. 
  • Sweet Kiss - Before Generation VI, this was a Normal-type move. The user kisses their opponent, causing confusion. It is a non-damaging ability. 
  • Twinkle Tackle - The user creates a very charming space using its Z-powers and toys with its opponent. 

All Fairy Type Pokemon

There are over 60 Fairy-type Pokémon in the franchise, not including their alternate forms like Gigantamax and Mega evolutions. Some Fairy-type Pokemon are pure Fairy-types, while others are half Fairy types.

You gotta catch them all! Here is the complete list of all Fairy-type Pokemon seen in the games and anime.

Pure Fairy Type Pokemon

Fairy type Pokemon
  • Cleffa
  • Clefairy
  • Clefable
  • Togepi
  • Snubbull
  • Granbull
  • Flabebe
  • Floette
  • Florges
  • Spritzee
  • Aromatisse
  • Swirlix
  • Slurpuff
  • Sylveon
  • Xerneas
  • Comfey
  • Milcery
  • Zacian
  • Fidough
  • Dachsbun
  • Alcremie

Half-Fairy-Type Pokemon - Primary

Fairy type Pokemon
  • Togetic - Fairy/Flying
  • Togekiss - Fairy/Flying
  • Zacian (Crowned Steel) - Fairy/Steel
  • Enamorous - Fairy/Flying
  • Tinkatink - Fairy/Steel
  • Tinkaton - Fairy/Steel
  • Scream Tail - Fairy/Psychic
  • Iron Valiant - Fairy/Fighting

Half Fairy-Type Pokemon - Secondary

Fairy type Pokemon
  • Ninetales (Alolan) - Ice/Fairy
  • Igglybuff - Normal/Fairy
  • Jigglypuff - Normal/Fairy
  • Wigglytuff - Normal/Fairy
  • Rapidash (Galarian) - Psychic/Fairy
  • Weezing (Galarian) - Poison/Fairy
  • Mr. Mime - Psychic/Fairy
  • Azurill - Water/Fairy
  • Marill - Water/Fairy
  • Azumarill - Water/Fairy
  • Ralts - Psychic/Fairy
  • Kirlia - Psychic/Fairy
  • Gardevoir & Mega Gardevoir - Psychic/Fairy
  • Mawile & Mega Mawile - Steel/Fairy
  • Mega Altaria - Dragon/Fairy
  • Mega Audino - Normal/Fairy
  • Cottonee - Grass/Fairy
  • Whimsicott - Grass/Fairy
  • Dedenne - Electric/Fairy
  • Carbink - Rock/Fairy
  • Klefki - Steel/Fairy
  • Diancie & Mega Diancie - Rock/Fairy
  • Primarina - Water/Fairy
  • Cutiefly - Bug/Fairy
  • Ribombee - Bug/Fairy
  • Morelull - Grass/Fairy
  • Shiinotic - Grass/Fairy
  • Mimikyu - Ghost/Fairy
  • Tapu Koko - Electric/Fairy
  • Tapu Lele - Psychic/Fairy
  • Tapu Bulu - Grass/Fairy
  • Tapu Fini - Water/Fairy
  • Magearna - Steel/Fairy
  • Hatterene - Psychic/Fairy
  • Impidimp - Dark/Fairy
  • Morgrem - Dark/Fairy
  • Grimmsnarl - Dark/Fairy
  • Flutter Mane - Ghost/Fairy

Concluding Thoughts

Despite their cute exterior and innocence, Fairy-type Pokémon can really pack a punch! These fairy types can be extremely deadly, but hopefully this guide has given you a rough idea on fairy type weaknesses, their strengths, and what counters them, to use in your future Pokemon battles!

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FAQs about Fairy-Type Pokemon

Fairy-type Pokemon

What are the best Fairy-types?

The strongest Fairy-type Pokemon is Zacian, a legendary Pokemon introduced in Pokemon Sword and Shield. Iron Valiant is the strongest dual Fairy-type introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

What are Fairy-type Pokemons weaknesses?

Fairy-type Pokemon have three main weaknesses: Poison-type attacks, Steel-types, and Fire types.

What are Fairy-types strong against?

Fairy-type Pokemon are powerful against Fighting type opponents, Dragon-type moves and Dark-type Pokemon.

What are the best Fairy-type moves?

Moonblast is by far the strongest among the Fairy-type moves due to its sheer damage potential and ability to lower the opponent's SP Attack stats.

What are Fairy-type Pokemon resistant to?

Fairy-type Pokemon are immune to Dragon-type attacks. A Fairy-type opponent will also be resistant to Bug, Dark, and Fighting-type attacks.

What is the weakest Fairy-type Pokemon?

The weakest Fairy-type Pokemon is Azurill, a baby Pokemon that later evolves into Marill. Its dual typing of Fairy and Normal means it is no longer resistant to Fighting-type attacks, and has weak base stats overall.