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boltz is released from MiBR

December 01, 2018

The writing may have been on the wall but in truly feels like an end of an era nonetheless as boltz has officially been released from MiBR.

The Brazilian hasn’t spent a lot of time in the active line-up after the rebranding – only taking part in a single event before tarik’s arrival –, but he was quite the loyal stalwart for the organization, being a part of the Immortals organization ever since the summer of 2016 when Noah Whinston’s fine folks picked up his team from Tempo Storm.


He was part of the line-up that shocked observers by making it all the way to the final of PGL Krakow the next year, and the Brazilian was also an important element in SK Gaming’s impressive run in 2017 as a loanee. FalleN’s men picked up trophies at EPICENTER, BLAST Pro Copenhagen and the ESL Pro League Season 6 finals respectively, with boltz playing an important part in the three wins.

One has to wonder what the future holds for boltz: while the ever-increasing depth of the Brazilian scene is a cause for optimism, their level of achievements hardly hold a candle to what he has to offer. Since the MiBR project has taken an unexpected international turn shortly after his arrival, one has to wonder whether he’d be interested in taking up that kind of a challenge later down the line. It will certainly be interesting to see where he ends up next.