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My StarSeries observer application

March 17, 2022

Why hello there,

So yeah, it seems like Redditors are not a fan of the observer work at StarSeries, so I decided to offer my services to you in a pro bono capacity to help out. Actually, I think you’re on to something with your revolutionary attention to anything-but-the-frags-really, and I wanted to lay down a few ideas about expanding this concept further.

You can find below a short selection of how I would have observed certain iconic CS:GO esport moments, many of which were immortalized by in-game graffitis. according to your protocol instead of the boring regular focus on the action most broadcasts seem to go for. I’m sure it will be a great hit with the fans!

I decided to take individual screenshots as a demonstration instead of making a video because I felt like this approach would fit better with the frame rate of the stream yesterday.

MLG Columbus 2016 – Sure, Coldzera Does Something With The AWP But Look At That Sick Bottle

I can sort of see the appeal of a jumping AWP multikill but have you seen that insane beverage in the shop? The hard work of observing makes one quite thirsty, you know? It is also a great thematic fit if you consider how Liquid would go on to bottle the series.

ESL One Cologne 2014 – OK, olofmeister is Defusing While on Fire But device’s Monodrama Is So Much More Interesting

Not sure why all the attention was given to the Swede’s Burning Man cosplay when we could have concentrated on the thoughts and suffering of device as he is running towards the bombsite, destined to arrive too late. The loneliness of the long-distance gunner, perhaps?

PGL Krakow 2017 – Yeah, Dosia Has An Interesting Grenade Up His Sleeve But Seriously, Can Zeus Save His Sniper Rifle on B?

I couldn’t believe how the observers missed the real drama of that round on Inferno: clearly, Zeus was bleeding out from his wounds on B, and the true cliffhanger was whether or not Gambit’s AWP would be carried over to the next round. Who cares about the two indirect kills in the pit, really?

I’d like to believe I saved the best for last:

DreamHack Masters Malmö 2017 - We Know s1mple is Going to Clutch the 1v5 Anyway so Let’s Stare at This ToiToi Instead

I’m confident I’m going to be a great fit with your organization. When can I start?

Seriously though, StarSeries S7 is actually pretty fun